Joan Valero

Romanesque and the Mediterranean: Points of Contact across the Latine, Greek and Islamic Worlds c. 1000 to c. 1250

ROSA MARIA BACILE; JOHN MCNEILL (ed.). Romanesque and the Mediterranean: Points of Contact across the Latine, Greek and Islamic Worlds c. 1000 to c. 1250, Maney Publishing, 2015, 342 p.
ISBN: 9781909662803

Los dieciséis trabajos reunidos en este volumen exploran puntos de contacto a través de los mundos latino, griego e islámico entre c. 1000 y c. 1250. Estos estudios, procedentes de un coloquio organizado por la British Archaeological Association en Palermo en el año 2012, reflejan el interés por los patrones del intercambio cultural a través del Mediterráneo, que van desde la importación de los objetos -textiles, cerámicas, marfiles y orfebrería en su mayor parte- a un deseo específico para reclutar artistas orientales o emular edificios del Mediterráneo oriental.

JAROSLAV FOLDA: Twelfth-Century Crusader Art in Bethlehem and Jerusalem: Points of Contact between Europe and the Crusader Kingdom
MARIAM ROSSER-OWEN: The Oliphant: A Call for a Shift of Perspective
JEREMY JOHNS: Muslim Artists and Christian Models in the Painted Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina in Palermo
FRANCESCA ANZELMO: Dress and Textiles on the Twelfth-Century Painted Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina in Palermo
ROSA MARIA BACILE: A Porphyry Workshop in Norman Palermo
MARK JOHNSON: The Mausoleum of Bohemund at Canosa and the Architectural Setting of Ruler Tombs in Norman Italy
ERIC FERNIE: The Date, Iconography and Dedication of the Cathedral of Canosa
LUDOVICO GEYMONAT: Preparing for the End: The Great Devotion of 1233 and Painting in the Baptistery at Parma
BÉLA ZSOLT SZAKÁCS: Hungary, Byzantium, Italy: Architectural Connections in the 11th Century
JOHN MCNEILL: Building Jerusalem in Western France: The Case of St-Sauveur at Charroux
CLAUDE A-SCHMITT: A Western Interpretation of an Oriental Scheme: The Domed Churches of Romanesque Aquitaine
GERARDO BOTO: The Migration of Mediterranean Images: Strange Creatures in Spanish Buildings and Scriptoria between the 9th and 11th Centuries
ROSE WALKER: Sculptors in Medieval Spain following the 1085 Fall of Toledo
DULCE OCÓN: The Paintings of the Chapter-House of Sigena and the Art of the Crusader Kingdoms
MANUEL CASTIÑEIRAS: Catalan Panel Painting Around 1200, The Eastern Mediterranean and Byzantium
JORDI CAMPS: Catalonia, Provence and the Holy Land: Late 12th-Century Sculpture in Barcelona

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