Mostrando los 12 resultadosOrdenado por popularidad
Statuaire médiévale et Renaissance de Champagne VI. Canton de Brienne-le-Château (Aube)
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Da Guariento a Giusto de’ Menabuoi. Studi, ricerche e restauri
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Storia della miniatura. Dalla tarda antichità alla fine dell’età romanica
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Ambrogio Lorenzetti: il Trittico di Badia a Rofeno. Studi, restauro e ricollocazione
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Per un nuovo Agostino di Duccio. Studi e documenti
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Il Duecento e la Cultura Gotica (1198 – 1280 ca.) La Pittura Medievale a Roma, 312-1431
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Sant’Abbondio a Como. Le pitture murali
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The Fifteenth Century Illustrations of Christine De Pizan’s The Book of the City of Ladies and The Treasure of the City of Ladies: Analyzing the Relation of the Pictures to the Text
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L’Ascensione di Ludovico Brea
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Arcigoticissimo Bembo. Bonifacio in Sant’Agostino e in duomo a Cremona
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The Virginity of the Virgin. A Study in Marian Iconography
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Le Parement d’autel des Cordeliers de Toulouse. Anatomie d’un chef-d’oeuvre du XIVème siècle
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