Joan Valero

The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (1081–c.1350)

La belleza y el significado del arte bizantino y su estética a través de las fuentes originales





Categoría: Etiqueta:


FOTEINI SPINGOU. The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (1081–c.1350), Cambridge University Press, 2021, 500 p.
ISBN: 978-1108483056

En este libro, la belleza y el significado del arte bizantino y su estética se hacen accesibles por primera vez a través de las fuentes originales. Más de 150 textos medievales se traducen de nueve idiomas medievales al inglés, con comentarios de más de setenta destacados eruditos. Estos incluyen teorías del arte, discusiones sobre mecenazgo y comprensión de la iconografía, recetas prácticas para materiales artísticos, expresiones de devoción y descripciones de ciudades. El volumen revela la pluralidad cultural y la interconectividad de la Europa medieval y el Mediterráneo desde finales del siglo XI hasta principios del XIV. La primera parte descubre aspectos destacados de la producción artística bizantina y su recepción estética, mientras que la segunda pone de relieve formas particulares de expresar admiración e interpretación de lo visual.

Introduction: Foteini Spingou

Part I Art, Aesthetics, and Literature

Notions of the Image in Later Byzantium
Charles Barber: Introduction
Charles Barber and David Jenkins: Art and Worship in Komnenian Thought (Dossier)
Nathan Leidholm: John Zonaras, Theodore Balsamon, and Alexios Aristenos: Twelfth-Century Commentaries on Canons 73 and 82 of the
Quinisext Council
Dimiter Angelov: Theodore Laskaris: Devotion to the Patriarch and the Church
Martin Hinterberger: John IX Merkouropolos: The Icon of the Theotokos and the Mutilated Hand of St. John of Damascus
Thomas A. Carlson: Salībā ibn Yuhannā al-Mawsilī: “Books of Mysteries”/
Asfār al-asrār
Artists and Patrons
Foteini Spingou: Introduction
Ivan Drpić: Eloquent Hands: Epigrams Featuring Named Artists and the Eulalios Dossier (Twelfth to Fourteenth Century)
Theocharis Tsampouras and Foteini Spingou: John Apokaukos: The Metropolitan of Nafpaktos and Painter Nicholas from Euripos
Alice-Mary Talbot: Excerpt from a Text on The Miracles of St. Photeine
Alexander Alexakis (Introduction, Text, Translation (Commentary) and Alice-Mary Talbot (Translation): Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos: A Miracle about Mosaicists
Annemarie Weyl Carr: St. Neophytos the Recluse on Visual Art (Dossier)
Annemarie Weyl Carr: Asinou, Panagia Phorbiotissa (Dossier)
Annemarie Weyl Carr: The Donors in Panagia tou Arakos, Lagoudera, Cyprus (Dossier)
Annemarie Weyl Carr: Inscriptions in the Church of the Holy Cross, Pelendri, Cyprus (Dossier)
Foteini Spingou: Manuel Straboromanos: Epigrams on the Emperor’s Epanoklivanon
Eikon and Iconography in Art and Literature
Foteini Spingou: Introduction
Nikos Zagklas: Theodore Prodromos: On Three Round Frames with Depictions
Nikos Zagklas: Theodore Prodromos: On an Icon Bearing a Depiction of Christ
Foteini Spingou: Anthologia Marciana, Sylloge B: On a Depiction of the Most Holy Theotokos Surrounded by Heaven and Angels
Foteini Spingou: Epigrams on Depictions of Christ (Dossier)
Annemarie Weyl Carr: I.3.5 ?St. Neophytos the Recluse: Inscriptions from the Enkleistra of St. Neophytos the Recluse, Tala, Paphos District, Cyprus
Foteini Spingou: John Apokaukos: Epigram on a Depiction of the Last Supper
Mircea Duluș: Philagathos of Cerami: The Massacre of the Holy Innocents
Emmanuel C. Bourbouhakis: Michael Italikos: Render unto Caesar: Α Collector Parts with a Rare Coin
Maria Mavroudi and Foteini Spingou: Epigrams on Rings from the Twelfth and Fourteenth Centuries (Dossier)
Nikos Zagklas: Niketas Eugenianos: On a Ring with Chastity and Eros
Alicia Walker, with Translation by Elizabeth Jeffreys Eumathios Makrembolites: Domestic Garden Sculpture and Wallpainting in the Romance Hysmine and Hysminias
Michael Jeffreys: Manganeios Prodromos: To the Sebastokratorissa, On Her Tent Which Has Various Animals Depicted on It
Alicia Walker: Theodore Balsamon: Classicizing Imagery in the Decorative Programs of Elite Domestic Architecture: Scholion on Canon 100 of the Quinisext Council of 692
Nikos Zagklas:  Niketas Eugenianos: On a Depicted Maiden
Elizabeth Jeffreys and Michael Jeffreys: Manganeios Prodromos: On Life and the World
Elizabeth Jeffreys and Michael Jeffreys Manganeios Prodromos: Eros as a Painter

Foteini Spingou: Introduction
Eric Cullhed: Theodore Prodromos: To the Caesar or For the Color Green
Andreas Rhoby and Marina Bazzani: Manuel Philes: Philes and the Materials: Epigrams on Stones and Precious Metals (Dossier)
Foteini Spingou: Anthologia Marciana: An Icon of the Baptism Adorned with Precious Stones
Foteini Spingou: Making Colors: Seven Ink Recipes
Shannon Steiner: Nikephoros Blemmydes: Concerning Gold Making
Emmanuel C. Bourbouhakis: Michael Italikos: A Crown for Sale, in the Words of St. Stephanos
Michael Grünbart: John Tzetzes: A Letter Mentioning an Inkwell Sent as a Gift

Seeing Spaces: Responses to the Built Environment
Foteini Spingou: Introduction
Efthymios Rizos: A Latin Description of Constantinople by an Englishman, and its Greek Translation by Constantine Laskaris
Alex J. Novikoff: Ralph of Coggeshall: Description of Constantinople
George P. Majeska and Charles Barber: Antony, Archbishop of Novgorod: The Pilgrim Book
Thomas A. Carlson: History of Mār Yahballāhā and of Rabban Sawmā
Cecilia Palombo: ‘Alī ibn Abī Bakr al-Harawī: Description of Constantinople, from the Guidebook to Places of Pilgrimage (Kitāb al-ishārāt ilā ma῾rifat al-ziyārāt)
Lee Mordechai: Benjamin of Tudela: Constantinople in Benjamin of Tudela’s Travels
Scott Ashley: Seeing the Spaces of Byzantium in Icelandic Saga: Heimskringla and Morkinskinna (Dossier)
Robert Romanchuk, Brad Hostetler, Matthew W.
Herrington, Christopher Timm, and Sarah Simmons: “Daniel the Exile”: Ekphrasis of Hippodrome Scenes: Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kyiv?
Greti Dinkova-Bruun: Odo of Deuil: Description of the Philopation
Michael Grünbart: John Kinnamos: The Philopation: A Place of Relaxation and Imperial Performance
Elizabeth Jeffreys: Digenis Akritis: Description of Digenis’ Palace
Alicia Walker: John Kinnamos: Paintings in the House of Alexios Axouch in Suburban Constantinople
M. Michèle Mulchahey: Riccoldo di Pennino da Monte di Croce, OP (Riccoldo da Monte di Croce or Riccoldo da Firenze): Liber peregrinationis/The Book of His Pilgrimage. “On the Holy Sepulchre of the Lord”
Divna Manolova: (Introduction, Translation, and Commentary) and Paul Magdalino (Translation): George Akropolites: A Letter to John Tornikes on the Duties of Friendship and on Constantinople’s Delights
Foteini Spingou and Alicia Walker: John Apokaukos: A Seljuq-Style Hall in Nafpaktos

Art and Devotion in Later Byzantium
Foteini Spingou: Introduction
Alexander Riehle: Manuel Gabalas/Matthew of Ephesos: Letter (to John Kantakouzenos?), On an Amulet Depicting Christ and St. John the Apostle
Alice-Mary Talbot: Maximos the Deacon: A Gift of a Textile in Thanksgiving for a Miraculous Cure by Sts. Kosmas and Damian
Ida Toth: The Genoese Pallio (Dossier)
Annemarie Weyl Carr: Dedicatory Inscriptions in St. Nicholas tis Stegis Kakopetria, Cyprus (Dossier)
Luisa Andriollo: Two Epigrams on an Icon of the Theotokos Adorned by the Emperor John II Komnenos (Dossier)
Michael Featherstone: Nicholas Mesarites: Relics of the Passion in the Church of the Pharos in the Account of the Usurpation of John Komnenos “the Fat”
Reinhart Ceulemans: Constantine Stilbes [= Cyril of Kyzikos]: Didaskalia on the Mandylion and the Keramos
Brad Hostetler: Epigrams on Relics and Reliquaries (Dossier)

Memory and Art
Foteini Spingou: Introduction
Foteini Spingou: John Apokaukos: What is Memory?: A Letter to Kamateros
Martin Hinterberger: Michael Andreopolos: The Book of Syntipas: The Wisdom of the World in Pictures
Florin Leonte: Euthymios Malakes: Oration for Manuel I Komnenos When the Sultan Came to Constantinople
Foteini Spingou: Anthologia Marciana: Monumental Cross in Hungary
Alice-Mary Talbot: George Pachymeres: Description of the Column of Michael VIII with St. Michael
Elizabeth Jeffreys: Theodore Prodromos: Dionysos on a Cup: An Excerpt from Rhodanthe and Dosikles
Andreas Rhoby: Theodore Balsamon: Epigrams on a Golden Cup and a Letter about These Verses
John Lansdowne: Giordano da Pisa: Remarks on the Authority of Icons from Greece (1306)