The Analysis of Gothic Architecture. Studies in Memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon
Estudios en homenaje a los legados de Robert Mark y Andrew Tallon, pioneros en la aplicación de métodos de investigación de alta tecnología al estudio de la arquitectura gótica
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ROBERT BORK (ed.). The Analysis of Gothic Architecture, Studies in Memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon, Brill, 2023, 312 p.
ISBN: 978-90-04-52911-3
Combinando reminiscencias personales y discusiones historiográficas con meticulosos análisis geométricos y estructurales basados en alzados de edificios fotogramétricos y escaneados con láser, este libro ofrece nuevas y valiosas perspectivas, no solo sobre Mark y Tallon, sino también sobre las principales iglesias, incluidas las abadías de Saint-Denis y Alcobaça, Santa Maria Novella en Florencia, Notre-Dame en París y las catedrales de Clermont, Reims y Wells.
Robert Bork: Introduction
Ethan Mark: Robert Mark: In Memoriam
Stephen Murray: Andrew Tallon: Singing with the Cathedral
Robert Bork: Robert Mark’s Career: Patterns of Insight
Arnaud Timbert: From Stephen Murray to Andrew Tallon: Writing the History of Medieval Architecture between France and America
Robert Bork, Sergio Sanabria, Ellen Shortell, Elizabeth Smith, Nancy Wu, Lindsay Cook, Paula Gerson, Elizabeth Sears: Remembering Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon: A Roundtable Discussion
Robert Bork: Ad Triangulum Geometries in Parisian Early Gothic Choirs (and Their Implications for Understanding Suger’s Saint-Denis)
Sheila Bonde, Clark Maines: Archaeology and Standing Structure: An Archaeological Approach to the Relative Building Chronology of Santa Maria at Alcobaça
Kyle Killian: Between Reims and Soissons: Gothic Space and Place in a Medieval Landscape
Rebecca Smith: Revisiting the Reims High Vaults
Peter Kurmann: Reims Reconsidered: New Arguments for Dating the West Façade of the Cathedral
Michael T. Davis, Stefaan Van Liefferinge: Drawing Flyers at the Cathedral of Clermont-Ferrand
James Hillson, Alexandrina Buchanan, Nicholas Webb: Tracing the Past: A Digital Analysis of the Choir Vaults at Wells Cathedral and Ottery Saint Mary
Elizabeth B. Smith: “And They Stand…by Their Very Own Selves”: The Nave Vaults of Santa Maria Novella in Florence
Dany Sandron: Notre-Dame after Notre-Dame: The Workshop of the Cathedral in the Fourteenth Century According to the Fabric Accounts
Lindsay S. Cook: The Image of Notre-Dame: Architectural and Artistic Responses to the Cathedral of Paris