Joan Valero

Decorated Revisited. English Architectural Style in Context, 1250-1400

10 estudios sobre la naturaleza, la importancia y el contexto del Decorated Style en la arquitectura gótica inglesa







J. MUNNS (ed.). Decorated Revisited. English Architectural Style in Context, 1250-1400, Brepols, 2017, 248 p.
ISBN: 978-2503554341

Treinta y cinco años después de la publicación del trabajo fundamental de Jean Bony sobre el llamado Decorated Style de la arquitectura inglesa (The English Decorated Style: Gothic Architecture Transformed, 1979), este volumen reúne una selección de ensayos innovadores sobre el tema.

JOHN MUNNS, Introduction
NICOLA COLDSTREAM, The Fall and Rise of the Decorated Style
JAMES HILLSON, Architectural Interaction Post-Bony: Regionality, Centrality, and Transformation in the English Decorated Style
ANDREW BUDGE, Collegiate Churches Founded in the Fourteenth Century: Change in Architectural Style as a Social Process?
JEFFREY A. K. MILLER, Experiment and Regionalism in Decorated Yorkshire: York Cathedral’s Nave Revisited
JON CANNON, The Bristol Master and the Ambitions of Decorated
JANA GAJDOŠOVÁ, The Decorated Style as a European Trend? The Evolution of Parlerian Tracery in Prague Cathedral
SOPHIE DENTZER-NIKLASSON, Decorated Vaults: Geographical, Terminological, and Chronological Limitations
JAKUB ADAMSKI, The Influence of Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century English Architecture in the Southern Baltic Region and Poland
MICHALIS OLYMPIOS, Courtly Splendours: Hugh IV’s Bellapais Abbey and the English Decorated Style
PAUL BINSKI, An Afterword on Jean Bony and the Decorated Style