Convents, clausura and cloisters. Religious women in late medieval Rome and Latium
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ANGELICA FEDERICI. Convents, clausura and cloisters. Religious women in late medieval Rome and Latium, Viella, 2022, 252 p.
ISBN: 979-1254691069
La literatura sobre los conventos tardomedievales en Roma y la región del Lacio es escasa. Este libro intenta llenar este vacío, ofreciendo un panorama sobre los asentamientos conventuales en la región entre los siglos XIII y XIV.
A través del análisis de diferentes materiales y fuentes, esta publicación presenta un análisis en profundidad de trece estudios concretos, algunos de los cuales aún son en gran parte desconocidos. Es esta combinación de lo bien estudiado y lo no estudiado lo que hace de este un valioso resumen de los conventos de la región. Al contextualizar los conventos en un marco histórico, artístico y social, se hace evidente que los conventos eran, en términos culturales, agentes definitorios.
Convents, Clausura and Cloisters will shed new light on this fascinating topic, and will be a resource to support further investigations.
- Preface
- 1. Major Themes
- 1. Space, Gender and Politics: Reframing the Female Religious Experience
- 2. Contemporary Readings of the Cloister
- 3. Idealised Realities: The Onset of Nunneries in Rome
- 2. Roman Nunneries
- 1. Female Power and Prestige: The Extraordinary Case of Sant’Agnese fuori le Mura
- 2. Icons in Clausura: Domenico Guzmán and the Nuns at San Sisto Vecchio
- 3. Assisi in Rome? Clare’s Influence at Santi Cosma e Damiano in Mica Aurea
- 4. Baronial Authority and Identity in Rome: The Colonna at San Silvestro in Capite
- 5. Interpreting Medieval Vestiges: Rediscovering San Lorenzo in Panisperna
- 6. Comparing Roman Conventual Communities in Context: A Few Considerations
- 3. The Benedictines in Latium
- 1. Forlorn Latium: Medieval Nunneries in the Region
- 2. Women’s Place and Space: Introducing Benedictine Art and Architecture
- 3. Between Rome and Naples: Artistic Presence at Santa Maria del Monacato, Castrocielo
- 4. Rediscovering Forgotten Identities: San Luca, Guarcino
- 5. Hidden Gems: San Pietro, Montefiascone
- 6. Off the Beaten Tracks: Sant’Angelo di Orsano, Trevi nel Lazio
- 7. Comparing Benedictine Conventual Communities: A Few Considerations
- 4. The Mendicants in Latium
- 1. Game Changers and Puzzling Absences: The Ascent of the Clarissans in Latium
- 2. Female Patronage or Baronial Intervention? San Sebastiano, Alatri
- 3. Shedding New Light on Neglected Sites: San Michele Arcangelo, Amaseno
- 4. A New Manifesto for the Mendicant Order: San Pietro in Vineis, Anagni
- 5. Treasures under Water: The Nunnery of Santa Filippa Mareri, Borgo San Pietro
- 6. Comparing Clarissan Conventual Communities: A Few Considerations
- Epilogue
- Appendix
- Benedictine Convents in Latium (ca. 1200-1400)
- Clarissan Convents in Latium (ca. 1200-1400)
- Bibliography
- Index of Names
- Index of Places
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