Architecture and Pilgrimage, 1000–1500. Southern Europe and Beyond
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PAUL DAVIES; DEBORAH HOWARD; WENDY PULLAN. Architecture and Pilgrimage, 1000–1500. Southern Europe and Beyond, Ashgate, 2013, 304 p.
ISBN: 978-1-4724-1083-2
Part A. Mediterranean Perspectives
Henry Maguire: Pilgrimage through pictures in medieval Byzantine churches.
Avinoam Shalem: The four faces of the Ka’ba.
Wendy Pullan: Tracking the habitual: observations on the pilgrim’s shell.
Deborah Howard: Venice as gateway to the Holy Land: pilgrims as agents of transmission.
Part B. Italian Sacred Places as Pilgrimage Destinations
Claudia Bolgia: Icons ‘in the air’: new settings for the sacred in medieval Rome.
Joanna Cannon: Dominican shrines and urban pilgrimage in later-medieval Italy.
Donal Cooper; Janet Robson: Imagery and the economy of penance at the tomb of St Francis.
Paul Davies: Likeness in Italian Renaissance pilgrimage architecture.
Robert Maniura: Two Marian image shrines in 15th-century Tuscany, the ‘iconography of architecture’ and the limits of ‘holy competition’.
Herbert L. Kessler: Afterword: pilgrimage and transformation.