A Reservoir of Ideas: Essays in Honour of Paul Williamson
Estudios en homenaje a Paul Williamson, antiguo conservador de escultura, obra en metal, cerámica y vidrio del Victoria & Albert Museum de Londres
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GLYN DAVIES. A Reservoir of Ideas: Essays in Honour of Paul Williamson, Paul Holberton Publishing, 2017, 292 p.
ISBN: 978-1911300168
Este volumen lujosamente ilustrado rinde homenaje al destacado investigador Paul Williamson, antiguo conservador de escultura, obra en metal, cerámica y vidrio del Victoria & Albert Museum de Londres.
La veintena de ensayos reunidos en este libro abarca una gran variedad de temas relativos al arte medieval, con un énfasis particular en la escultura. Los colaboradores, todos amigos y colegas de Williamson, son destacados expertos en sus respectivos campos. La amplia gama de temas cubiertos incluye los marfiles, las tallas de madera, el alabastro, la escultura arquitectónica, los cofres, los relicarios y cuestiones diversas sobre imágenes e iconografía.
DAGMAR TAÜBE: ‘Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation’ – The Iconography of St Paul
ANTHONY CUTLER: The Grado Ivories. A Forensic Examination
DANIELLE GABORIT-CHOPIN: Late Antique or Carolingian? The Ivory of the Prediction of the Denial of St Peter at the Bargello Museum,
LAWRENCE NESS: The ‘Foundation Reliquary’ of Hildesheim and Ornamental Art at the Court of Charlemagne
HILTRUD WESTERMANN-ANGERHAUSEN: Relics, Quotations, Spolia – Revisiting Art in in Egbert’s Trier
NEIL STRATFORD: The Cluny Cloister
JULIAN GARDNER: Gregory X and St Anne. The Arezzo Scapular
VALENTINO PACE: The ‘Bust of Sigilgaita’ at Ravello. From Secular Portrait to Marian Image?
JOHN CHERRY: Seal Matrices of Ivory and Bone. A Bad Idea?
SARAH M. GUÉRIN: Synergy Across Media. Gothic Sculptors in Wood and Ivory
CHARLES T. LITTLE: Saint for All Seasons. A Gothic Ivory Statuette of Francis of Assisi
ELISABETH ANTOINE-KÖNIG: The Return of Gawain – Thoughts on Composite Caskets in the Light of Some Recent Acquisitions
ELISABETH TABURET-DELAHAYE: The Embroiderers of Charles VI and Isabeau of Bavaria through Records Held in the French National Archives
ELEANOR TOWNSEND: ‘A Second Martyrdom’ – An Alabaster Panel from the Story of St John the Baptist
CATHERINE YVARD: Gothic Ivories and their Owners. An Overview
PETER BARNET: A Recently Acquired Christ Child at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Sculptures for Medieval Nuns
RICHARD MARKS: The Blythburgh Choirstall Carvings
COLUM HOURIHANE: Less Can Mean More – Notes on the Ecce Homo
KIM WOODS: The Tree of Jesse Gates from Scarisbrick Hall
GLYN DAVIES: Francis Douce, FSA (1757-1834). Scholar and Collector of Gothic Ivory Carvings,
JULIEN CHAPUIS: Restoring and Exhibiting War-Damaged Sculpture