LYNN F. JACOBS. The Painted Triptychs of Fifteenth-Century Germany: Case Studies of Blurred Boundaries, Amsterdam University Press, 2022, 320 p.
JORGE JIMÉNEZ LÓPEZ. Materializar un manuscrito iluminado en la Italia del Trecento. El «comentario a las Tragedias de Séneca» de Nicholas Trevet, Universidad de Salamanca, 2021, 198 p.
ISBN: 978-8413114118
ANGELO TARTUFERI, ENRICA NERI LUSANA, ADA LABROLA (ed.). Medioevo a Pistoia. Crocevia di artisti fra Romanico e Gotico, Mandragora, 2021, 336 p.
ISBN: 978-8874615735
EILEEN RUBERY, GIULIA BORDY, JOHN OSBORNE (ed.). Santa Maria Antiqua: The Sistine Chapel of the Early Middle Ages, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2021, 502 p.
ISBN: 978-1909400535