Joan Valero

Novedades octubre 2022/1

SARAH KOZLOWSKI. Portable Panel Paintings at the Angevin Court of Naples: Mobility and Materiality in the Trecento Mediterranean, Brepols, 2022, 292 p.
ISBN: 978-2503596952

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ADELAIDE RICCI (ed.). Donne e sacro. Forme e immagini nel cristianesimo occidentale, Viella, 2021, 284 p.
ISBN: 9788833137773

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CECILIA GASPOSCHKIN. Vexilla Regis Glorie. Liturgy and Relics at the Sainte-Chapelle in the Thirteenth Century, CNRS Editions, 2022, 350 p.
ISBN: 978-2271143327

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