RICHARD GAMESON et alt. The Pigments of British Medieval Illuminators: A Scientific and Cultural Study, Archetype, 2023, 490 p.
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RÉMY CORDONNIER. L’iconographie du Bestiaire divin de Guillaume le clerc de Normandie, Brepols, 2022, 168 p.
ALBERTO VIRDIS. Colors in medieval art. Theories, matter, and light from Suger to Grosseteste (1100–1250), Viella, 2023, 400 p.
ISBN: 9791254693629
MASSIMO MEDICA, FABIO MASSACCESI, SILVIA BATTISTINI (ed.). Lippo di Dalmasio e le arti a Bologna tra Trecento e Quattrocento, Dario Cimorelli Editore, 2023, 216 p.
ISBN: 979-1255610540