JORDI CAMPS, MANUEL CASTIÑEIRAS, JOHN MCNEILL, RICHARD PLANT (ed.). Romanesque Patrons and Processes: Design and Instrumentality in the Art and Architecture of Romanesque Europe, Routledge, 2018, 361 p.
ISBN: 978-1138477032
GAETANO CURZI, MARIA ANTONELLA MADONNA, STEFANIA PAONE, MARIA CRISTINA RICCI. Conversano nel medioevo. Storia, arte e cultura del territorio tra IX e XIV secolo, Campisano Editore, 2019, 332 p.
ISBN: 978-8885795129
HERVÉ GIRAUD, CHRISTIAN SAPIN, NICOLAS TAFOIRY. Vézelay: Un chemin de lumière, Coédition Place des Victoires, 2018, 350 p.
ISBN: 978-2809916256