Joan Valero

Novedades agosto 2020 / 1

MAXIMILIAAN MARTENS, TILL-HOLGER BORCHERT (Dir.). Van Eyck, une révolution optique, Hannibal Publishing Editions, 2020, 504 p.
ISBN: 978-9463887489

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ELAINE C. BLOCK, FRÉDÉRICK BILLIET. Lexique des stalles médiévales: mobilier liturgique du XIIIe au XVIe siècle, Brepols, 2020, 147 p.
ISBN: 978-2503515120

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THOMAS E. A: DALE: Pygmalion’s Power. Romanesque Sculpture, the Senses, and Religious Experience, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2019, 304 p.
ISBN: 978-0271083452

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