Listado de libros sobre mosaicos de la Edad Media
Mostrando 1–12 de 15 resultadosOrdenado por popularidad
Santa Maria Antiqua: The Sistine Chapel of the Early Middle Ages
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Il dittico bizantino in micromosaico
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Dante e i mosaici di Torcello. Nel triangolo magico Bisanzio-Ravenna-Venezia
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The Apse Mosaic in Early Medieval Rome: Time, Network, and Repetition
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The Atrium of San Marco in Venice: The Genesis and Medieval Reality of the Genesis Mosaics
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I mosaici bizantini nella Sicilia normanna. Byzantine Mosaics in Norman Sicily
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The Mosaics of Thessaloniki Revisited
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Mosaici medievali a Roma attraverso il restauro dell’ICR
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Mosaics in the Medieval World: From Late Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century
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New Light on Old Glass: Recent Research on Byzantine Glass and Mosaics
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Women in Pastoral Office: The Story of Santa Prassede, Rome
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Dal mondo pagano a quello cristiano: l’imago clipeata (IV-IX sec.). Mosaici e affreschi nel contesto archeologico-artistico mediterraneo
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