miniatura gótica
Libros sobre la miniatura de la época gótica
Mostrando 1–12 de 86 resultadosOrdenado por popularidad
The Kennicott Bible: A Masterpiece of Jewish Book Art
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L’iconographie du Bestiaire divin de Guillaume le clerc de Normandie
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Arte y Ciencia en el scriptorium de Alfonso X El Sabio
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Materializar un manuscrito iluminado en la Italia del Trecento. El «comentario a las Tragedias de Séneca» de Nicholas Trevet
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I corali miniati di San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma
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An Illustrated Speculum Humanae Salvationis: Green Collection Ms 000321
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Le Maître du Roman de la Rose de Vienne
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Lumières du Nord: Les manuscrits enluminés français et flamands de la Bibliothèque nationale d’Espagne
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L’iconographie du Lancelot-Graal
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Le Moyen Âge flamboyant. Poésie et peinture
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Illuminated Manuscript Production in Medieval Iceland: Literary and Artistic Activities of the Monastery at Helgafell in the Fourteenth Century
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Poetry, Art, and Music in Guillaume de Machaut’s Earliest Manuscript
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